Christmas, 2023. Another pretty bleak year draws to a close and its darkness certainly shows through in these stories. Santa does make an appearance in several of them, of course, but not always as you might expect. Death, and the other Horsemen of the Apocalypse, also feature here.
Most of the stories take a somewhat darker turn than your usual Christmas fare, but they are ideal for reading on a cold and windy night.
While you sit looking at that Christmas tree, it might be worth paying attention to the shadows under it.

Foreword – H.K. Hillman
Two Bobs – Daniel Royer
Raven – Mark Ellott
A North Station Christmas – Adam D. Stones
Just Us, part 2 – Roo B. Doo
Closings and Openings – Daniel Royer
The Anti-Christmas – H.K. Hillman
Afterword – Roo B. Doo