Yes, we know it isn’t Halloween but this year of lockdown has put everyone in a dark place. Coupled with continued cold weather, it looks like being a bleak year indeed. So, not too many cheery stories this time.
All the same, you might find some entertainment in here – it should at least take your mind off the horrors currently being inflicted on most of the world.

Stories and authors –
Foreword………………………H.K. Hillman
The Forest of Souls…………Marsha Webb
Stray Cobblers……………………Rainer Doyle
The Tunnel………………..……Mark Ellott
The Widget…….….…………Mark Ellott
Walk I, With You……………….Roo B. Doo
Room to Swing a Cat………….Justin Sunshine
The Slug……………………………Gayle Fidler
Leaving the Dream……………..H.K. Hillman
Tonight We’re on a Campout…Daniel Royer
Spring Fevers and Bearded, Clammy Hands…..Cade F.O.N Apollyon
A Renewed Love of Dirt……Cade F.O.N Apollyon
Ant Man Be………………………H.K. Hillman
Channelling………………………H.K. Hillman
The Ignorant Assassin………..H.K. Hillman
Afterword……………….…. Roo B. Doo