Currently, much of the world is in lockdown because of a virus and wondering if we’ll ever get out of it. While wondering, we might as well enjoy ourselves a little.
How about a story? Or two? Or fourteen?
The Spring Anthologies have no fixed theme so they contain a wide mix of genres, some uplifting, others to make you look over your shoulder. There’s something for everyone in Loch Doon.

Foreword H.K. Hillman
The Meteorite Mark Ellott
The Trade Mark Ellott
Dust Mote Meanderings Wandra Nomad
The Masters Return H.K. Hillman
The Pig Noise Gayle Fidler
Over the Hills and a Great Way Off Stephen Duffy
The Trouble with Tibbles Roo B. Doo
Now Hiring Daniel Royer
The Car and the Redhead Daniel Royer
A Question of Firing Daniel Royer
My Sweetest Angel Marsha Webb
Stripes Marsha Webb
A Sunday Afternoon in Bandung Justin Sanebridge
A Day in August Justin Sanebridge
Afterword Roo B. Doo