Spring Broke.
Well, this year, certainly in this part of the world, Spring is looking pretty broken. It’s still producing frosts and a lot of rain.
The perfect weather for sitting in front of a warm fire – or radiator, if you prefer – and immersing yourself in some gentle storytelling.
The Spring Anthology is ‘any genre’ so you’ll find something for everyone inside. Nothing too scary this time though, for a change.
Wrap up warm and get the cocoa.
It’s reading time.

Also available at Smashwords
Foreword – H.K. Hillman
AFA – Daniel Royer
Bloodbath Benediction – Adam D. Stones
The Romance Scam – Mark Ellott
Fright Club – Roo B. Doo
A Postcard from Norfolk – David D. Walker
Mac – John Duffy
The Ghost of the Machine – H.K. Hillman
Truth and Beauty – Adam D. Stones
Barton Joins a Gang – Daniel Royer
Afterword – Roo B. Doo