A slim volume of mostly dark Spring stories, ranging from supernatural to real life to futuristic. The last few years haven’t encouraged too many jolly tales, and here is the result.
Normally, we think of spring as a pleasant time of year.
A time of awakening, of new life and new beginnings.
The past three years of madness have brought it closer to the mood of Halloween, and the stories in this, the 20th Underdog Anthology, reflect the mood of the times.

Do try to enjoy them anyway.

They might help take your mind away from the lunacy of the modern world, at least for a while.

Available at Amazon

Also available at Smashwords


ForewordH.K. Hillman

What HappensTarquin Sutherland

Bedding into BusinessAdam D. Stones

Involuntary Accessory – Adam D. Stones

The Desert SpiritMark Ellott

Wholly GhostRoo B. Doo

The Yard SaleDaniel Royer

Gulp, Spit – Daniel Royer

Trans Sister – H. K. Hillman

Afterword – Roo B. Doo