Mark Ellott is a part time motorcycle instructor, delivering training for students who require compulsory basic training and direct access courses. He has retired from his main job as a freelance trainer and assessor working primarily in the rail industry, delivering track safety training and assessment as well as providing consultancy services in competence management.

He writes fiction in his spare time. Mostly, his fiction consists of short stories crossing a range of genres, and has stories in all but one of the Underdog Anthologies so far.

His first four novels, ‘Ransom’, ‘Rebellion’, ‘Resolution‘ and ‘Reiver‘, are now available in print and eBook formats. His fifth, ‘Renegade‘, is also available in hardback, a new option which will gradually spread to many of the Leg Iron Books publications.
He has also published two volumes of his own short stories, entitled ‘Blackjack’ and ‘A Moment in Time‘ as well as a collection of Morning Cloud Western stories entitled ‘Sinistré’.

Mark’s writing website can be found here –

A prolific short story writer, his work has appeared in the following Underdog Anthologies:

1 – The Underdog Anthology
2 – Tales the Hollow Bunnies Tell
3 – Treeskull Stories
4 – The Good, the Bad and Santa
6 – The Gallows Stone
7 – Christmas Lights… and Darks
8- Transgenre Dreams (featuring both Mark’s stories and poetry)
9- Well Haunted
10- The Silence of the Elves
11- Tales from Loch Doon
12 – Mask-Querade
13- Coronamas
14- The Dark Ides of March
15- The Darkness at the End of October
16 – Slay Bells in the Snow
17- The Wrong Kind of Leaves
18- The Hole in the Veil
19- Have Yourself a Very Little Christmas
20 – A Dark Spring
21 – A Day Off for Angels
22 – The Shadows under the Tree
23 – Spring Broke
24 – Monster