Halloween 2017. I had found a deer skull on an antler in a holly tree in my garden. Hence the cover photo and the title for this book. I have no idea why it was put there but it’s been there long enough to get embedded in the tree and I’m not moving it now. It also inspired one of the stories in this collection.
List of stories and authors:
Cobalt Blue – Lee Bidgood
All Change – Stephen W. Duffy
Tout Passé, Tout Cassé, Tout Lassé – Mark Ellott
Ghost Riders – Mark Ellott
The Eagle – Mark Ellott
Trick or Treat – Roo B. Doo
Casual Labour – Justine Sunshine
Bernie’s Bargain – H.K. Hillman
The Macbeth Trio – H.K. Hillman
Oak and Holly – H.K. Hillman